1. Julian Finds a Blog.
Julian stared at his keyboard, numb. From his fingertips had just flown the last word and final period of his third unsold novel. He felt utterly drained, unable to stir himself to get up and see if the world at large still existed. He thought to himself,“Writing a novel is like being in love or, perhaps, like having diarrhea. What, really, is the difference between the two? The same urgency, if not desperation, the same cramping pain, the same messy results, the same desire to keep it hidden from one’s colleagues and friends.”He could not make up his mind which metaphor to choose. And, now, after all the decisions he’d made about another innocent character’s life and existence, did he even have the energy to make a decision about the dregs of his own internal dialogue.? He did not. In the weeks that followed this mini-event, Julian was obligated to go back to his day job as Dr. Julian Gray, Professor of English Literature at Blue Ridge Community College. His feeling of depletion lingered. He stumbled through his lectures without his usual flair.“Are you even listening to me, Julian?”The young woman sitting before him, on a simple wooden chair in…