Yesterday, I did a very mundane ride. It was mundane in the sense that I rode to CVS and picked up some refills of RX. It was my 1st use of the local CVS, the preferred pharmacy of Aetna Trail MAP D, my new insurance plan in my newly initiated retirement era. Perhaps I’ll blog more about this later.
It is generally my plan to beat the price of gas, get some exercise, and luxuriate in the warm weather and ample free time that my situation presents by biking chores I would have usually driven. The pharmacy is an easy one, since, hey… pill bottles are easy to carry.
So this morning, with the weather MUCH cooler, I set out for a morning constitutional on the Free Sprit, now sporting some pipe foam as comfortable handlebar grips. I made for Heritage Lake, sort of, but when I got past the Prairie Pines RV park, I made a right turn instead of left. That took me all the way to 1800 E, and I took that all the way up to 136. See map above.
Nice big box. Most of the big bugs are out of the battered old Sears bike by now. I’m going to live with it.
I noticed, while riding, that there is a sort of peril involved in the encounters with motorists. One dude, in a large white pickup truck, out on a deserted patch of two lane, made right for me. Only at the last minute did he turn away, after I had already made a move to hit the ditch. What’s up with that? I suspect that it’s that very disturbing phenomenon of anger, alienation, and its manifestation as intimidation where possible. The threat: libtards wearing bike helmets on cheesy bikes on the back roads. This nation is in deep trouble. I’ll be writing about that more also… guaranteed.