A Hike at Kickapoo

route as mapped in APRS-FI…

I’ve always avoided this series of trails, since they warn hikers that they are rugged. Turns out, that means they have a few mild hills. Illinois. Where it’s either flat, or “difficult.” I rather was transported for an afternoon out of Illinois, and reminded of those favorite Virginia hikes I used to do in the Blue Ridge. God, how I miss them!

The following is as good as I can do given a 40 minute drive and a nice, warm, late fall day. This will be the last warm day in a while, I’m guessing. We’re about to dip into the 30s by day and the 20s overnight. So this pictorial shares the time with you.

Central Lake?
Kickapoo Railroad?

Anyway, I’ll go for it…

A tree with a door…

So, you’re hiking along and you come to this. What could it be? Let’s open the little door and find out. The heart of a sacrificial lamb?

the Shrine…

Something like that. Some incense and an incense burner. I don’t know what religion this might be.

A hill?
A hill.
A most beautiful section of trail…
It was once a mining operation. Artificial ponds, not intended as such.
Bridge on the River View trail.
The view of the Vermilion River

Oddly enough, the river view trail does not afford a simple view of the river. One has to climb an embankment to see it. Climb it, I did. Here it is.

The sign…

And of course… there’s some signage sporting the requisite graffiti. And behind the sign…

The river.
The trail head…

Yeah. Well, I hiked it backwards, having started on CL. Now, I had to hike along the roadway back to my car.