
Here we are at the start of the school year, the end of the break, the beginning of the busy season. After the intense work on that wicked, unspeakable writing project, my brain has turned to mush. This is a very inconvenient turn of events, since some thinking needs to be done in order to survive at my day job.

I thought I’d google “novel-writing postpartum.” I ended up here.

Ms. McGean suggests filling the time/brain with some other thing. I hope cutting what’s left of the lawn will suffice for today. I think that’s my plan. Among the comments on her blog was one from a poster who suggested that publishing the book feels different than putting it in a drawer. Gee. I’ll bet that’s true. Just as soon as I can stand to do it, I’ll read it over, edit it again, print it out, send it somewhere. I dunno. My brain is a form of soup.