So Much for Politics

Fuck it. I’ve been silenced long enough.

My feelings, reading through posts on my FaceBook, perusing the habitual old libtard websites of yester-month, and chatting with folks near and far, is that politics as an interest, a fetish, a reasonable way to employ one’s intellect, and “make a difference,” has failed. The demoralized, large majority of my FB friends are in shock (as tRump struggles in his obliviousness toward certain destruction; maybe ours, but certainly his). Those among those old acquaintances who adore him and kiss his ring (not even asking where it’s been!) have already been unfriended, blocked, or ‘seen (much) less of.’ So my echo chamber is pretty well tuned, but it lacks its old harmony.

And speaking of harmony, my long-held and at once feared wish came true, like a giant V-I cadence. The Rs have control of the nations governing bodies, save for a few state hold outs. Now that they must govern, they are accountable to the people. The people, as the election of the Orange Man proves, have a fairly short fuse and are not big on civility. Or norms. Or bullshit. So have at it Rs! Good luck with that! (As I write this, the town halls are heating up, and the shit, having hit the fan, is flying in a great arc towards the great wall. Which Mexico will not be paying for. Guaranteed. Especially not, since we are sending them our poor, our tired, our disenfranchised masses, yearning to be… employed. Fed. Best of luck. Pardon me while I duck.

I intend to duck back into allegory, as is fit for life in a regime. Perhaps my allegory will read like porn, but where better to hide the diamonds than in a shit pile?